
The Seven Most Famous Desserts in The World

This article introduces some of the desserts that we become happy with when we eat and that we eat when we are happy. In fact, not only when we are happy, but when we are sad or troubled, we slam…

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Diet Tips For Frequent Travelers

Traveling is always exciting but exhausting, whether for sightseeing or business. We abandon our daily habits and get out of the routine. Everything around us is new and very attractive to us. We don…

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Variation of Pizza by Country / Pizzas from Different Countries

Have you ever thought about how pizza, which is indispensable for friends’ meetings and holidays, has an option for every taste and every budget, from abundant ingredients to vegetarian, is extremely…

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Culture & Travel

5 Places To Visit During The Semester Break

You worked hard the whole semester and finished all the exams, now it's time to reward yourself. When the semester break approaches, many students start making hotel and flight reservations…

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Headed to Drink Vefa Bozası and Smell some History!

You must have heard a Boza seller shouting “Boooooza! Booooozaa!” walking around with copper kettles on cold winter nights. Boza is an indispensable classic of winter nights and without a doubt and…

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Future of Space Travelling

Yeni seyahat trendleri turizm sektörünü ve alışkanlıklarımızı hızla değiştiriyor. Ulaşım araçlarındaki gelişmeler ise seyahat sektörünü gelecekte daha radikal biçimde değiştirecek bir dönüşümün…

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9 Must-See Breakfast Places in Milan

Fastest and most efficient way to get to know a city is discovering the breakfast places in town. Breakfast traditions tell apart New York, Van, Tokyo, or Mumbai from each other and these traditions…

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Culture & Travel

A Summary of What to Do in Thailand

Whether you want to keep the budget limited or those who seek luxury on holiday... Thailand is beautiful to meet all your wishes.

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Culture & Travel

The Unique Beauty of Tuz Gölü (Lake Tuz)

Located within the city borders of Ankara, Aksaray, and Konya, Tuz Gölü is Turkey’s largest, and the world’s second largest, saltwater lake. In addition to its unique beauty, the lake meets most of…

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The Age of Foldable Screens is Here

A few years ago, foldable screens could only have been sci-fi movie accessories for most people. However, in the last two years, the investments of brands in this field have started to bear their…

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Culture & Travel

A Perfect Weekend in Korean Capital Seoul!

Many people in Seoul look forward to the weekends due to the usual weekday tire and rush. Seoul is a wonderful city that can meet the weekend expectations of people from almost every age range.…

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Culture & Travel

A Fairytale Route: Ankara-Kars Eastern Express

Doğu Ekspresi, Türkiye’nin en çok ilgi gören seyahat trendlerinden biri. Ankara-Kars arasında faaliyet gösteren sefer, her gün bu eşsiz güzergahı deneyimlemek isteyen yüzlerce insanı misafir ediyor.…

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