Culture & Travel

28 June 2024

With its sea, natural areas, history, and people, Mersin is one of the most beautiful cities in the Mediterranean, attracting both domestic and international tourists like a magnet every year. There are many things to do and places to see in Mersin. Therefore, if you're planning a trip to Mersin, you should definitely take note of the activities and sights you shouldn't miss. Simply swimming in the sea or visiting historical sites isn't enough; you might also want to embark on different adventures and gain unique experiences. In this article, we've listed the must-see places and activities in one of the Mediterranean's most beautiful cities, Mersin.

Kızkalesi (Maiden's Castle)


One of Mersin's most iconic structures, Kızkalesi, has stood since the 5th century BC. Research suggests it was built by the Cilician Satrap Straton. This stronghold has hosted many civilizations, including the Romans, Byzantines, and Ottomans, and is steeped in legends. Currently open to visitors as a museum, it's a site you might want to see during your visit to Mersin.

Cennet ve Cehennem Sinkholes

Located in Mersin’s Silifke district, these sinkholes were formed by the erosion of limestone layers by underground waters over centuries. Cennet (Heaven) sinkhole is 75 meters deep and has a 260-meter-long cave at its base, with a small church at the entrance. Cehennem (Hell) sinkhole is 128 meters deep. These natural formations are part of a national park and can be visited daily from 8:30 AM to 6:00 PM.

Soli Pompeiopolis Ancient City


Located in Mersin’s Silifke district and dating back to the 7th century BC, Soli Pompeiopolis Ancient City was a commercial center during the Hellenistic and Roman periods. As a port city, it facilitated the transport of goods to various regions. The ancient city, which showcases the architectural understanding of its era, is easily accessible from Mersin city center. It is also 13 km from Silifke town center.

Anavarza Ancient City

About 120 km from Mersin city center and 20 km from Adana's Kozan district, Anavarza Ancient City dates back to the 6th century BC. It was an important commercial center during the Byzantine and Roman periods. Excavations, ongoing since the 19th century, have revealed significant structures such as an agora, theater, stadium, baths, churches, and cisterns.

Yumuktepe Mound

Yumuktepe Mound, which has seen uninterrupted settlement from the Neolithic Age to the present, is very close to Mersin city center. Research has determined that the city dates back to around 9000 BC, though the exact time is unknown. The mound has remnants from the Chalcolithic, Bronze, Iron, Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine, and Ottoman periods. Excavations over the years have unearthed temples, tombs, houses, daily household items, and statues. The mound is open to visitors daily from 8:30 AM to 6:00 PM, with a small entrance fee.

Göksu Bird Paradise

Göksu Deltası

Home to over 400 bird species, Göksu Delta Bird Paradise offers a unique landscape you might not have seen before. Located in Mersin’s Silifke district, the delta spans approximately 15,000 hectares and serves as an important resting and feeding spot for migratory birds. The delta is rich in biological diversity and is very active in terms of ecological tourism. During your Mersin trip, you can visit Göksu Delta Bird Paradise either individually or through boat tours.

Anamur Castle

Built in the 13th century by the Karamanids, Anamur Castle is one of Mersin’s landmark structures, located in the Anamur district. Perched on a rocky hill by the Mediterranean, the castle bears traces of the Byzantine, Roman, and Seljuk periods. As one of Turkey’s largest castles, it attracts both domestic and international tourists with its 39 towers, walls, and moat. The castle is open to visitors daily from 8:30 AM to 6:00 PM.

Tarsus Waterfall


Located in Mersin’s Tarsus district, Tarsus Waterfall is 5 meters high and formed by the Berdan River cascading over rocks. The 20-meter-wide waterfall is surrounded by lush trees and plants, with clear and cool water. There are picnic areas around the waterfall where you can rest, eat, and drink. The waterfall is easily accessible from Tarsus town center by dolmuş (shared minibus) or taxi. Photography enthusiasts should bring their cameras or phones.

Gilindire Cave (Aynalıgöl)

Noted for its stunning beauty, Gilindire Cave is located in Mersin’s Aydıncık district. Situated 50 meters above sea level between Cape Sancak and Kurtini Creek, the cave is accessible by both land and sea. Inside, you will find various stalactite formations and a magnificent lake measuring 40 meters long, 18-30 meters wide, and 5-47 meters deep. The cave is home to bats and some small creatures. It is open to visitors daily from 8:30 AM to 6:00 PM.

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