
5 Worldwide-known Appetizers

Each nation has its own food culture and nations form their own dishes based on their food culture criteria. Here are 5 nation-specific appetizers:

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Culture & Travel

What to Know About Australia, the End of the World.

Australia for many of us, is the definition of the other side of the world. With long flights, endless transfers and waiting a journey of 24 hours or more begins

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Culture & Travel

World's Highest Building: Burj Khalifa

Lift your head up and it will never end, as if touching the clouds. Imagine a building that feels like Here is that Burj Khalifa! Burj Khalifa, the symbol of Dubai, has been holding the title of…

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A World Tour on the Trail of Spices

As the most important product in global trade for many centuries, spices are widely used in gastronomy as well as the cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries with their enchanting smells. Having a…

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Culture & Travel

3 Cities to Visit in Retirement

Retirement must be the best years in a person’s life; you can think of it as a vacation for the rest of your life. There are a couple of cities everyone wants to visit in their retirements. But you…

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Culture & Travel

Around the World in Eighty Days

When French writer and dreamer Jules Verne’s deathless book “Around the World in 80 Days” was published in 1873, cars were just invented, let alone the planes. Among the number of works of the same…

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Culture & Travel

Precautions in İstanbul Airport After The Pandemic

After the first case in Turkey was confirmed on March 10, 2020, all countries started to close their borders and cancel all entries and exits. The main reasons behind this was to prevent the virus…

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Five New Generation Coffeeshops in Istanbul

Around the world, coffee is experiencing an incredible comeback. If you are looking for good places to drink coffee in every city you visit, here are the 5 new generation coffee shops we can…

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Istanbul’s Taste Map

Gastronomically mapping Istanbul is a challenging task. As many other cosmopolitan cities, Istanbul, which was the capital city of several empires, keeps merging the cuisines of different cultures in…

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Culture & Travel

Theme Parks to Visit with Children (the European Side)

If you want to spend a good time with your family on weekend, theme parks are for you. So, if you wonder which theme parks are on the European side of Istanbul, the details are in our article.

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Culture & Travel

Istanbul’s Young Face: Beşiktaş

As one of the most popular spots for the youth in Istanbul with its back-alleys and dynamic social life, Beşiktaş also allows you to enter an unknown modern world through its historical structures.…

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Lesser Known Shopping Spots for Shopping Freaks

Shopping is an act sometimes derived from a need or from an urge to shop and as days go by, people tend to shop more by creating needs. While those who don’t have time to physically shop prefer…

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