Culture & Travel

14 August 2020
Güncelleme Tarihi: 5 February 2021
Precautions in İstnbul Airport After The Pandemic

After the first case in Turkey was confirmed on March 10, 2020, all countries started to close their borders and cancel all entries and exits. The main reasons behind this was to prevent the virus entering from or spreading to other countries. With the lower number of cases today and due to imperative reasons, some of the flights restarted, but airports take top measures for the danger is still far from over. 

If you need to go to Istanbul Airport soon, we gathered all the precautions you need to take and apply as soon as you enter the airport until you get off your plane in this article. 

1- You are not allowed to enter the terminal without a mask

Because wearing a mask is the first precaution you can take, the airports banned all entrances unless you are wearing a mask. Wearing gloves is also an important precaution, but there isn’t a rule about that provided that you regularly disinfect your hands.

2- Only the passengers can enter the terminal

In order to minimize the contact and headcount in airports, only the passengers can enter the terminal. It means that your loved ones wanting to see you off or greet you are not allowed in the terminal. Handicapped passengers are allowed to have only one attendant with them, but they too are only allowed until the doors.

3- Disinfectant carpet

Red carpets filled with extremely strong alcohols will greet you at the airport entrance. These carpets are strong disinfectants against potential bacteria and viruses that might come from the outside. The carpets annihilate any viruses under your shoes before entering the airport. 

4- Hand sanitizers

Currently in Istanbul Airport, there are 350 sensor-fitted sanitizer devices at almost every corner. Passengers not wearing gloves are strongly adviced to be careful about their hand hygiene. 

5- Social distancing

As one of the most important three precautions, social distancing is also mandatory in Istanbul Airport. Sitting arrangements and line waiting spots are designated clearly via bands. If you do not comply by the social distancing rule, social distance teams will warn you kindly. 

6- Thermal cameras

After entering the airport, all passengers go through thermal doors and passengers whose temperature is higher than 37.5 degrees are examined by Borders and Health teams. The Ministry of Health determines if that passenger is good to continue their trip or not after their examination. 

7- X-Ray devices

X-Ray scans are being carefully continued for security purposes. For the safety of both parties and to ensure social distancing, hand pat-down searches are minimized. Additionally, security officers will greet you at the X-Ray devices with their constantly changed masks, gloves, and visors. 

8- Regular disinfection

Places the passengers frequently use or spend time in like seating areas, waiting spots, terminal passages, and restaurants are regularly disinfected. Rules about disinfection are clearly set.

All precautions are planned for the safety of passengers and employees in airport, to ensure that you start or end your trip in the safest manner possible. Additional precautions are currently under construction to increase safety in the future. We will keep posting once they are confirmed. 

Have a safe journey! 

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