Culture & Travel

A Couple Days in Brussels

Today, we will go over a couple of days in a capital. The name Brussels is derived from an Old Dutch word meaning “home in the marsh”. The native language in the country is 80% French. It is one of…

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Interesting Facts About Sushi, Star of Japanese Cuisine

Although everyone associates Sushi with Japan, it is not really the case. Sushi, contrary to popular belief, is a Southeast Asian dish.

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Tips to Stay Healthy After Long Flights

What should we do to protect our health during long and tiring flights? How do we get rid of jet-lag? The answers to all your questions are in our article.

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Are you ready for a caravan trip?

If you are among people who want to stay away from modern life and yearn for nature, how about going out with a caravan? What are the pros and cons of owning a caravan? The answer to all of these is…

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From Quince to Fish, Extraordinary Stuffed Turkish Cuisine

Quince, celery, apple, cabbage, squash varieties, bell pepper, eggplant, artichoke, melon, mussel, fish... The Turkish cuisine, that is so far developed through interactions with different cultures,…

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Culture & Travel

10 Tips before visiting Universal Studios Hollywood

As one of the most touristic spots in Los Angeles, Universal Studios is a dynamic vacation spot since 1964. A heads up if you are planning for summer; you have selected the hottest and most crowded…

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Culture & Travel

World’s Second-Oldest Subway

Tünel, the second oldest subway in the world, is considered one of the most important symbols of Istanbul today. The rail system, which was put into service with wooden wagons and steam on January 17…

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How To Be Happy and Healthy Through Cycling?

Pedaling has many benefits, both mentally and physically. Let's examine the benefits of pedaling together.

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Culture & Travel

World’s Largest Library: American Library of Congress

ABD’nin aynı zamanda kurucu babalarından olan üçüncü başkanı Thomas Jefferson’a atfedilen ünlü bir söz, “Bilgi güçtür.” der. Yıllar içinde filmlerden dizilere, kitaplardan konuşmalara birçok yerde…

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A Window into the Past: Miniature

Imagine a world without perspective and depth. That the whole world can fit into a painting in which the figures are elaborated regardless of size. Here is that picture, that is, miniatures, showing…

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A World Tour on The Trail of Spices

Spices, which have been the most valuable product of global trade for centuries, continue to fascinate the cosmetics and pharmaceutical industry with their scents as well as the gastronomy world.…

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Age of Jumbo Jets

According to international aviation authorities, over 4 billion people prefer airplanes to travel every year. It is estimated that this number will reach 8 billion by 2030. Perhaps the most important…

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