
24 November 2022

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey is a ministry that operates under the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey and is responsible and in charge of cultural and tourism affairs. In this context, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, which was established on April 16, 2003 with the law numbered 4848, put forward practices that would also benefit the development of Turkey. If you wish, let's examine the mobile applications of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism together!

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Sanat Cepte / Art on Pocket

The "Art on Pocket" mobile application, created by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, can be said to be a savior for individuals. So, what does the Art on mobile application do? This application aims to announce the art events planned to be held by the Art Units affiliated to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey, as well as to provide event tickets. In this context, it is now much easier to reach wider and mobile audiences thanks to the developing technology. This application will allow individuals to quickly access all kinds of art events, mark their calendars, receive announcements online, and see the event information you want in detail.

Türkiye'nin Müzeleri / Turkey's Museums

Another mobile application, which is affiliated to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey, comes up with the name "Turkey's Museums". As it is known, Turkey is known as a place located in the paradise of socio-cultural and natural beings with universal values, which is accepted as the common heritage of all humanity. In this context, it is a very valuable country for the whole world with its ancient history, different cultural codes, geographical researches and extensions. In addition, with its thousands of years of history, the museums of Turkey, waiting with open arms to their visitors, are now an application away from you! You can meet with your past by downloading Turkey's Museums application.

Konuşan Kitaplık / Talking Bookshelf

Another application put forward by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism is called the Talking Library. This application is waiting to be downloaded as an application that allows the members of the National Library Talking Library Center for the Visually Impaired to listen to the audiobooks in their archives on their mobile phones without any time, place or hardware barrier. At the same time, Talking Library is designed in a way that individuals can use it easily through screen reader programs. In this context, members can easily log in to the application with their username and password. In addition to all these, members can follow the audiobooks they have listened to recently and continue to listen to the parts they last left. Moreover, they can list and review the most listened audiobooks of the previous month.

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Müzelerin Sesi / The Voice of the Museums

Another application presented by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism stands before art lovers as the "Voice of Museums". This application becomes active with the Mobile Voice Guidance ticket you want to buy from the toll booths. As a result, audio narration or sign language video content of the works exhibited in museums is easily accessed. It is also very important to use headphones in order to listen to information about different works with your own mobile device and to prevent noise pollution. Let me point out that; You can only use your ticket once after purchasing it. As long as you can't exit from the application menu, the application will continue to run without any problems even if your device is restarted in the background.

KTB Bulut / KTB Cloud

The 'KTB Cloud' application, which was created by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism as a very popular application, is actively used by many people. In this context, together with the slogan "Keep Everything, Share What You Want", KTB Bulut is a file management and archiving system that securely protects all kinds of information and documents in the electronic environment of the ministry personnel, stores all documents regardless of the area, and allows these documents to be shared easily. used as.

Bandrol Sorgulama / Bandrole Inquiry

You can query the different banderols, which are put into use by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and applied to various cinema works, musical works and books, by scanning the QR code on the application with your camera or by typing the banderole number manually. In addition, as a result of all these, you can easily access all kinds of information about the work you have examined. If, as a result of the inquiries made, the information reflected on your screen does not match in the form of a physical work copy, you can give feedback to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey.

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E-Kitabım / My e-Book

With this mobile application prepared by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, readers will be able to access a wide variety of e-books published by public broadcasters and private publishing houses free of charge. At the same time, you will be able to read these books for 15 days by downloading them to your mobile device. In addition to all these, you will be able to create your own libraries, continue reading from where you left off on your desktop or mobile devices and take notes. In this context, my E-Book, which is the popular application of book lovers, is one of the popular applications of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. You can download this app and start exploring.


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