
24 December 2020
Güncelleme Tarihi: 25 July 2022

​ Mankind's fascination with travel dates back to the very beginning of the history of civilization. The reasons and contents of travels have changed a lot until modern times, known as the travel century. With the development of transportation methods and the spread of airplanes, billions of people have become traveling every year. So much so that mankind's curiosity for travel began to extend from the borders of the world to the depths of space. So what are the new trends in travel? Here are the travel trends of the 21st century.

1-Light Travel

Forget heavy suitcases and belongings. Take a few essentials in a small suitcase and hit the road. With the influence of both the new generation, known as the Z generation, and the changing trends, travel preparations are now made much lighter and in a way that allows movement. The most important of the reasons for this; It is no longer enough to go to a single city or destination and stay there. We want to see more places in less time. That's why the less you carry with you, the better. Because your speed will increase and you will have the opportunity to see more places. You will see how this feature, called light travel, will relax you on your journey.

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2- Intertwined with Nature

Even though summer holidays consisting of sea, sand and sun still come first, nature trips with family, friends or alone are on the rise. Environmental awareness, which has increased with the impact of the climate crisis, has led to an increase in the time spent with nature during travels. Let's add that one of the most important holiday types in this area is the detox holiday. We leave ourselves in the arms of nature, leaving aside the phones, computers and different tools that are a part of our daily life. Ecotourism is another rising trend in this field. From the meals to the rooms, everything is arranged according to your taste and sensitivities during these holidays. Nature-friendly materials are used and the waste rate is minimized. Thus, you both make your holiday and become a part of nature without harming it. Those who like to spend time in isolated places away from the city plan their travels accordingly. Who wouldn't want to be in touch with nature, right?


Undoubtedly, every holiday has its own story. What we mean by storytelling is to interfere with the daily life of the destination and to participate in the adventure of the people of the region. We are curious not only about historical buildings, but also about the roads and shops where you can shop. We tell the stories we collect from the places we go to other people through adventures like social media. This is perhaps one of the most important effects of a time when cross-cultural bridges proliferate. Now we are each a mobile content creator. Some shapes are formed in our minds not only from the goods and shops, but also from the information we get from them after meeting new people. We witness the life and story of the people, cities and animals in the sage we went to. Thus, these stories, which have been engraved in our memory, add a new one to our life experience.


Minimalism is a rising trend in travel, as in all areas of life. There is an increasing interest in simplicity and minimalism in a wide range from the time spent in places to activities, from places to stay to money spent. The fact that camping, which has always attracted little attention besides the main tourism trend and remained an area of ​​interest for nature lovers, has been on the rise in recent years is a reflection of minimalism. Camps are set up by a lake, in the forest, in the countryside, or in city parks. From America to Europe, from Asia to the poles, hotels with less furniture and more minimal design attract great attention. Of course, structures such as huts, barracks or the igloo, the traditional home of the Eskimos, also take their share of our pursuit of minimalism.

***These are very popular this year! Want to know the Travel Trends of 2022?***

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