
31 October 2022

Traveling with a baby is not as challenging as you might think, the trick is to just make life more practical. These include details such as a folding stroller or finding small activities that will keep your baby busy and attention during the car journey. Let's take a look at some practical ways to take a car ride with a baby so your trip doesn't turn into a nightmare.


The Importance of Setting a Route Before Traveling

One of the most important points here is to prepare a suitable route for your destination. “What is the route? Don't say "the destination is clear". Let's say the route where you can reach the point you want to go is a little quiet and calm. Come on, it's fine for your destination to be quiet and calm, but if the route you're going to is calm and isolated, it can be a problem somewhere. Because too much long travel for your baby's needs, grocery needs or toilet needs can cause trouble. Therefore, it is useful to prepare a route where you can take frequent breaks.

Lists to Prepare Before Starting the Journey

Do not forget to make a list so that you do not forget to take the necessary things with you during the car trip with your baby, on vacation after the trip or at the place you go. This is a very important point because if you cannot find an important item that you forgot or something important for your baby, either on the way or at your destination, it is not even sincere that you will have trouble.

Never Neglect Your Car Maintenance Before You Hit The Road

In order to avoid any technical problems during your car journey with your baby, you should definitely have your car serviced beforehand. All kinds of technical maintenance is definitely one of the things that should not be neglected. Especially in the car, so that your baby can get fresh and fresh air, make sure to have the air conditioner filters checked and have all the necessary changes and maintenance done.


Never Forget What To Take With You About Health Before Traveling

Among the things to take with you on the car journey with the baby, there are important products related to health, such as anti-nausea reliever, gas reliever, thermometer, fever reducer, gauze, diaper rash creams, band-aids. If your baby has a certain ailment, never neglect to consult your doctor about travel, so you can pay attention to what you should and shouldn't do.

Choose the Best Time for Your Baby

Just as each individual has their own ritual of spending the day, regardless of age or month, babies and children also have certain processes that they go through during the day. For example, if a baby gets up early and likes a nap in the afternoon, some babies may wake up late and not sleep in the middle of the night and close the night early. Here, when you go on a car trip with your baby, you can plan your car trip according to your baby's hours and what hours he sleeps and stays during the day. Especially during the journey, choose the hours when your baby sleeps so that most of the journey will be a smooth journey for both your baby and yourself.

Bag the Needed Correctly

First aid kit, a warm blanket, lots of diapers, all kinds of clothes and spares, suitable toys and activity equipment, water and other beverages for your baby, garbage bags for garbage, just in case water and snacks for yourself against your tiredness, cleaning wipes, disinfectant and alcohol-free cologne, lots of paper napkins, changing equipment and related creams are among the things that should not be forgotten during the car journey. Among these products, do not forget to rank the ones you will use the most or in a way that you can find more easily. In addition, it would be very logical to arrange a suitable sunshade in case the sun's rays disturb your baby through the glass.


The Importance of a Correct Baby Seat in Car Journeys

The importance of a correct and comfortable car seat on journeys changes many things in car journeys. Your baby's orthopedic comfort while sitting and sleeping comfort are very important in car travels. Remember, the most important thing here is that your baby is used to this car seat before this trip. When he is used to it, he will look at his comfort like a big person without being strange and will not be too grumpy. However, if it is a baby seat for the first time, it may be both strange and more likely to be cranky.

Activities You Can Do With Your Baby While Traveling by Car

Since it is a narrow space, the activities and games you can play with your baby while traveling in your car are limited. However, it is possible to keep your baby busy with different games and activities according to your imagination and the limited volume of the car. For example, reading picture books that attract your baby's attention, performing small scripted theater plays with hand puppets, playing small blackboard writing games, listening to storybooks with headphones, watching cartoons or listening to sleep-inducing music are just some of these activities.

Take Breaks at Regular Intervals

Your baby has patience just like every individual. Therefore, it is useful to avoid driving for hours. You see, she started to whine a little, make sure to take a break without wasting any more time, if your baby can walk, don't forget to take a walk to get him tired during the break. Remember, the more tired your baby gets, the more comfortable he can sleep as a result of this fatigue during the rest of the journey. Your baby, who sleeps soundly during the trip, will spend the rest of your trip more cheerfully and more comfortably afterwards. Thus, you will have the chance to enjoy the journey of travel with your baby. Remember, the happier and more relaxed your baby is, the happier and more relaxed your journey will be.


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