
27 December 2021
Güncelleme Tarihi: 12 August 2022

Although flying is a very fast and practical way to provide transportation, especially over long distances, if you have not been on a plane before, your first flight may create some tension for you. Compared to bus terminals, airports are much larger and more complex. For this reason, airports are one of the most feared things for those who will board a plane for the first time. Apart from that, not being able to master the procedure of the planes is a bit scary. However, none of them are so difficult that you cannot solve them. Here, we have touched on some important points to illuminate this issue and to make you feel completely ready for your first flight. Good reading.

Knowing the Rules of Your Preferred Airline

You bought your ticket, your flight date is approaching and now you need to start preparing your belongings. At this point, you should definitely visit the website of the company you will be flying to in order to learn about the baggage weight limit and the specified baggage size. In addition to the baggage you will deliver at check-in, checking what you can put in your cabin baggage and what is strictly prohibited will save you time during the pre-boarding check. Knowing these rules, your flight will be more enjoyable when you make your preparations.

What to Put in Cabin Luggage?

In cabin baggage, which is a small baggage you can take with you on the plane, you can put important documents, prescription drugs or items such as your glasses. In case something happens to your baggage taken to the cargo area of ​​the plane during check-in, it may be a relief to have your important belongings still with you. But do not forget that there are certain rules and limits for items to be put in cabin baggage. For example, there is a certain amount of liquids that you can put in your luggage. It is accepted only in ziplock, transparent bags placed in containers of maximum 100 ml. If you exceed this limit, your liquid materials may be confiscated while you are in control. It's good to be careful. More detailed information will certainly be available on the airline's website.

Click to read our article on luggage preparation tips for travel.

Arrive at the Airport at least Two Hours Before

Arriving at the airport two hours before for domestic flights and at least three hours for international flights is considered the minimum time to complete your transactions. So what are these transactions? Passing through airport security can be listed as getting your boarding pass and handing over your luggage, and going through security again before boarding. Although these transactions are sometimes carried out very quickly, delays may occur, especially at busy times, in case of a problem with the passengers before you or with you. Being ready with your ID or passport is an important point so that you don't keep others waiting.

What to Wear? What to Put in the Handbag?

To pass through the X-ray device easily, you must not have metal objects on you. Watches, jewelry, keychains, belts, etc. Items will beep under control. Do not forget to dress as comfortably as possible, especially comfortable shoes will save you from big troubles on long flights. You can take a cardigan or a light blanket with you in case you get cold. Choosing a large bag is also ideal for storing snacks, books or tablet-like items. Buying sunglasses for daytime flights protects you against UV rays and it can be very beneficial to buy a moisturizing cream, as the cabin atmosphere will be drier than at sea level.

Foods to be Consumed / Not to be Consumed Before Flight

Since there will be sudden pressure changes during landings and take-offs, you can chew gum to prevent discomfort in your ears. Do not drink alcohol on or before a flight. Before the flight, you should take care to eat as light and protein-based as possible so that the pressure difference does not touch your stomach. Don't forget to drink plenty of water too. You can take nut-like foods with you as a snack.


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