
28 September 2020
Güncelleme Tarihi: 5 February 2021
What you must bring with you on a flight

Your flight might feel a little tiring and tough if you haven’t prepared a complete “flight kit” for your cabin baggage. We considered your comfort and listed all the accessories you must bring with you on a flight.

1- Neck Pillow

For us, the best flight, especially if it is a lengthy one, is the one you can spend hours with a relaxing sleep. Unfortunately, we cannot find anywhere comfortable to rest our heads during a flight. The pillows in the planes are never comfortable and always slips and fall. Trying to sleep without a pillow on the other hand will almost always give us a neck ache. So, we suggest you take a proper neck pillow with you on a flight. You must be careful while picking a neck pillow for some might be too soft while some are too hard. Try to pick the best one for you.

2- USB Charge Cord

Almost all planes have USB sockets under or near the seats. Don’t forget to have your charge cord in your cabin baggage, so that you can use your mobile phone during the flight to watch the movies or episodes you previously downloaded without thinking about your battery.

3- Book/Kindle

Watching a movie during a flight might not be for everyone. For those who aim for a more relaxing flight, we recommend a book or Kindle. Our best picks for a flight would be a page-turner to lose track of time or a short story you have been postponing for a while.

5 Books to Read on a Short Flight

4- Headphones

For many, headphones are a fundamental accessory carried everywhere. Even though most airline companies provide headphones on the planes, we still suggest you bring your own. Especially if you have noise-cancelling headphones, you can use them to have a comfy flight without hearing the crying babies or chatting passengers. 

5- Pen

Carrying a pen around must be a habit in your daily life but bringing a pen on a flight is a must-do. Flight attendants hand out entrance cards specific to all countries during the flight. These cards have several questions about you and your baggage. An operator will collect these cards during entry checks and may ask you some questions. It is beneficial to have your own pen to avoid asking others for one. 

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