Culture & Travel

29 July 2024

Volcanic mountains are formidable natural structures that have existed since the formation of the Earth. Although they can remain dormant for many years, they can suddenly erupt, showing their power and impact. Volcanic mountains are found all over the world, each region having its own. In the past, these mountains have inspired many myths. These majestic mountains, which have been featured in both mythological stories and epics, continue to attract tourists. Every year, tourists flock to various parts of the world just to see these volcanoes. 

While many volcanoes are now dormant, some remain active, like ticking time bombs ready to explode. Considering their place in popular culture and the significant impact they have on people, it’s clear that volcanoes hold an important place in tourism. With this in mind, we have compiled a list of the most significant and fascinating active volcanic mountains in the world. Here are the active volcanic mountains we've gathered for you.

Mount Etna, Italy

Mount Etna is an extremely popular volcano that has been featured in many films and TV shows. Located on the eastern coast of Sicily, this mountain reaches a height of 3,357 meters, making it the highest volcano in Europe. 

Etna Yanardağı

Italy currently has three active volcanoes, and one of them is Mount Etna. Declared a UNESCO World Heritage site in 2013, this mountain attracts a lot of tourist interest. Over time, Mount Etna has experienced numerous eruptions, with the largest occurring in 1662, causing the deaths of over 1,500 people. Volcanic activity is still observed today. Despite the known dangers, people continue to organize social activities on its slopes.

Sakurajima, Japan

In 1914, Sakurajima erupted spectacularly, reaching a height of 1,117 meters, and it is still active today. For the Japanese, who are accustomed to natural disasters, it is not considered a major threat, although its last eruption occurred in 2016. Currently, smoke can be seen rising from the mountain's craters. This volcanic peninsula and its slopes can be visited by tourists, who can reach the island by ferry. Various safety measures are in place due to the presence of lava flows.


Klyuchevskaya Sopka, Russia

Located in Russia, Klyuchevskaya Sopka is the highest mountain in Siberia and is still active. It emerged around 7,000 years ago and is approximately 100 kilometers from the Bering Sea. The first recorded major eruption occurred in 1697. Since then, volcanic activity has continued. In 1931, climbers attempting to ascend the mountain were affected by lava and lost their lives. The mountain became active again in 2007, and numerous eruptions of varying sizes have occurred since then. As a result, climbing this mountain is considered risky by mountaineers.


Santa Maria Volcano, Guatemala

The Santa Maria Volcano, located in the western highlands of Guatemala, is one of the most dangerous and deadly volcanic mountains. 

Santa Maria guatemala

Its first eruption dates back 30,000 years. However, a major eruption broke this long silence in 1902, resulting in a 7.5 magnitude earthquake and the ejection of 8 cubic meters of magma from the mountain. This eruption devastated many nearby towns and farms. The damage to agricultural land led to outbreaks of malaria in nearby areas. This eruption was one of the three largest of the 20th century.

Kilauea, ABD

Kilauea, located in the state of Hawaii, USA, is one of five active volcanic mountains in the region and is the most active among them. Its first recorded eruption occurred in 1823, and since 1983, it has shown periodic activity. The violent eruption of 1983 is known as the longest volcanic activity in the region's history. The most recent activity was observed in 2018, with eruptions occurring every two weeks. Due to the high risk, there are no settlements around the 1,247-meter-high volcanic mountain.


Mayon Volcano, Philippines

Situated in the Pacific Ring of Fire, Mayon Volcano is one of the active volcanoes today. Located on Luzon Island in the Philippines, this volcanic mountain has experienced over 50 eruptions in the past 400 years. Its magnificent appearance captivates those who see it. However, this majestic mountain has also claimed many lives. The major eruption in 1814 resulted in the deaths of over 1,200 people in the nearest town. The 1987 eruption claimed nearly 100 lives. The most recent eruption was in 2018, leading to the evacuation of thousands of people from nearby towns.

Mayon Dağı
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