Culture & Travel

Ancient Riches of Rome: The Colosseum and Beyond

Rome, which once hosted one of the most powerful empires in history, feels like a city where time has stood still, bearing the marks of every era.

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Culture & Travel

Belonging to Nowhere: Sardinia

Did you know that although Sardinia is Italy's second-largest island, it is often described as "belonging to nowhere"? Sardinia holds…

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Culture & Travel

The World's Most Active Volcanoes

hese majestic mountains, which have been featured in both mythological stories and epics, continue to attract tourists. Every year, tourists flock to…

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Culture & Travel

The Best Holiday Destinations for July

Yazın en canlı, en hareketli ayına bugün itibariyle girmiş bulunuyoruz. Okullar kapandı, sıcak dorukta. E haliyle tatil planları da hız kazandı.

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Culture & Travel

Italy's Patriarch: Sicily

One of Europe's most sought-after countries, Italy has never lost its popularity. With its history, enchanting atmosphere, sea, people, and…

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Culture & Travel

The World's Top 10 Most Beautiful Metro Stations

Metro stations, bustling transit points for hundreds of thousands daily, are more than just passages—they're living spaces.

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Culture & Travel

Pisa Travel Guide

Pisa is one of Italy's hottest spots, renowned for its awe-inspiring architecture, deep-rooted history, and lively cultural vibe. Home to the…

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Culture & Travel

The 32 Most Trending Spots on Instagram in 2023

Hence, we aimed to curate the most trending routes on social platforms in 2023. Here are the spots that got shared the most on Instagram in 2023

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Culture & Travel

The Heart of Art: Art Tours in Florence

Sanatın ebedi başkenti Floransa, tarihi ve kültürel zenginlikleriyle yüzyıllardır sanatın kalbinin attığı yer olarak dünyanın dört bir yanından…

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Culture & Travel

History of the Statue of David: Where is Michelangelo's Work?

One of the two finest sculptures created by the Italian Renaissance artist Michelangelo is the Statue of David, or David of Michelangelo. The piece…

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