31 October 2023Today, let's dive into a genre that dominates the "bestseller" shelves at the entrance of any major bookstore. Books are like different universes, expanding the horizons of anyone who dives into them. If you're searching for the way to inner peace, these practical and effective self-help books have all the answers. These 10 essential reads will be your compass on the journey of self-discovery. So, let's dive into this content without any delay. Enjoy your read!

The Journey of Being Human - Osho
Can true happiness be found in the ordinary? This is the core of our book. Delving into existential questions like "where do we come from?" and "where are we going?" that haunt us throughout our lives, we navigate through these contradictions in the human adventure. Rather than choosing between these paradoxes, the book teaches us how to embrace them as the key to transforming every challenge of life into a new discovery of our true selves.
How to Live a Life - İlber Ortaylı
In this book, İlber Ortaylı, one of the most esteemed intellectuals in our country, shares insights on living a fulfilling life in the modern world and beyond. Ortaylı suggests that individuals need to step out of their comfort zones and look at life from various perspectives. The following quote holds great importance for Ortaylı: "The moment a person gives in is the moment they become a slave to idleness. One must take the risk of leaving their comfort zone and navigate their own world." This work, brimming with wisdom and life experience from İlber Hoca, shines as one of the most influential books that can benefit everyone.
The Universe Favors Me - Aykut Oğut
What's the deepest pit of despair you've ever found yourself in? Have you ever weighed 150 kg or lost your luggage in a foreign land, surviving by pouring beer over your cereal and staying silent for days? Have you emerged from a coma, with the sight in one eye lost after a beating, or lost both parents, one in prison and the other before? Aykut Oğut, the author of this book, has lived through these tales and in this book, he shares how he pulled through those dark days and found a fulfilling life, motivating everyone around him.

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari - Robin Sharma
A book that hit the shelves a decade ago and transformed the lives of countless individuals. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari narrates the tale of the esteemed lawyer Julian Mantle, laying bare the profound hollowness that lingered behind his successful career. This book uncovers the true essence of life, offering the principles for a life one can take pride in, while also providing actionable solutions for readers seeking prosperity, joy, and inner tranquility.
Emotional Intelligence - Daniel Goleman
Dr. Goleman reevaluates the notion of intelligence in his groundbreaking book. He contends that the IQ scale, which underpins achievement and intelligence tests, is insufficient in predicting a child's future success, for instance, and introduces the concept of emotional intelligence (EQ) as a measure of maturity. Based on scientific data, the book highlights how the absence of emotional intelligence can have dire consequences across various spheres, from family dynamics to professional accomplishments, from social connections to overall well-being. This explanation sheds light on the paramount question: "Why is emotional intelligence more crucial than IQ?"
The Elephant is a Lonely Animal in this World With a Trunk - Ahmet Şerif İzgören
Ahmet Şerif İzgören, renowned for his profound perspectives on the corporate realm, leads readers through every facet of life on the journey towards success and contentment with a comprehensive approach. Expect moments of laughter, occasional melancholy, contemplation, and ultimately, immense enjoyment from this book. Dedicate a mere 3 hours to reflect on your life and delve into this read.
Human Engineering - Nüvit Osmay
A leading figure in Türkiye's contemporary success culture, Nüvit Osmay, delved into American author Dale Carnegie's training programs and obtained a trainer's certificate. Subsequently, he integrated his insights and established the Think, Speak, Listen (THL) School in Türkiye, steering thousands of participants towards significant achievements. Nüvit Osmay, who served as the editor-in-chief of TÜBİTAK's Bilim Teknik (Science and Technology) magazine in the 70s and 80s, exponentially boosted its circulation from 15,000 to 95,000. Such a personality certainly possesses remarkable wisdom that deserves attention.

İyi Hissetmek – David Burns
Bu kitapta bizlere sandığınızdan çok mutluluk tekniği sunuyor. Bu teknikler şüphesiz ki bilimsel testlere tabi tutulmuş olup duygularınızı harekete geçirecek ve hayata daha olumlu bakmanızı sağlayacak. Anksiyete sorununuz varsa, suçluluk duygusuyla ve “hiçbir şey yapmak istememe” hissine muzdaripseniz bu kitap size ilaç olabilir.
Yaşam Koçum Aristo – Jules Evans
20 asır önceye gidelim. Batı medeniyetinin zirvelerinden birini yaşadığı, Sokrates, Aristo, Platon ve Epikuros gibi büyük ustaların oluşturduğu Atina Okulu’nda ders aldığınızı bir anlığına hayal edin. Kitapta bizzat Epikuros size, hayatın tadını çıkarma konulu dersi verecek. Oldukça heyecan verici olmalı.
İnsanın Anlam Arayışı- Victor E. Frankl
İnsandır bu. Her şeye anlam yüklemek ister. Atılan adımlara, gülümsemelere, bakışlara ve hatta deyimi yerindeyse bazen öküzün trene bakışına sahip insan eşgaline. Kısacası herşeye. Varoluş'un içerisindeki anlamları keşfetmemize yarayacak bu kitap bütün dünyada 12 milyondan fazla sattı. Ayrıca, İkinci Dünya Savaşı sırasında bir toplama kampındaki deneyimleri eşliğinde anlatılması da kitabı ilginç ve etkileyici kılıyor.