
10 December 2020
Güncelleme Tarihi: 5 February 2021
Three Unknown Facts About Turkish Cuisine’s Essential Piece, Yoghurt

Yoghurt is a rather nutritious milk product fermented with lactic acid bacteria. Edible in almost every meal, yoghurt is an essential part of Turkish cuisine. Even though its creator is unknown, yoghurt is definitely a Turkish product, despite being known as “Greek Yoghurt” abroad. It’s original name is in Turkish and sounds almost the same in every language. 


Even though we consume yogurt on its own, its concept is a little different in other countries. They consume a prebiotic-rich and sweeter version instead of the yoghurt we know. We suggest picking the ones named “Greek Yoghurt” or “Plain Yoghurt” if you want the traditional Turkish yoghurt. Despite its various utilizations all around the world, this national product is quite beneficial. We listed its unknown benefits for you; enjoy! 


1-Yoghurt for a healthy skin 

Yoghurt is not only a delicious and healthy snack, but also a food that promotes healthy skin with its high lactic acid content. So much so that many beauty brands started including yoghurt concentrate in their cleaning products, masks, and make-up removers. 

2-Curative for stomach problems

Helpful bacteria content in yoghurt is curative for stomach problems. Yoghurt relieves the stomach in many issues including ulcer and gastritis. It is known that the Ottoman Empire sent doctors for the French King François J. for his diarrhea problem with yoghurt as a miraculous medication.

3-Frozen Yoghurt has a national day in its name

Many yoghurt lovers around the world obtained new delicacies from it one way or another. Turkish cuisine has additional dishes like tzatziki, ayran, and yoghurt-based soups while yoghurt ice-cream and frozen yoghurt with various fruits became a dessert alternative to ice-cream. Frozen yoghurt was first discovered in England during the early 1970’s. It was loved dearly, so they decided to celebrate the 25th of March every year as the Frozen Yoghurt Day. 

Make sure to include this healthy food in your lives with its every form and presentation. It is so healthy that a single serving of yoghurt can meet the 20% recommended daily protein intake for adults. 

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