
6 November 2020
Güncelleme Tarihi: 5 February 2021
KonMari Method for the Tidier Life

The secret of an orderly and peaceful life is a clean and tidy house. You must have heard about the book “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up”. Our article is about this book. We will focus on the Japanese organizing consultant (also the author of this book) Marie Kondo’s KonMari Method.


Who is Marie Kondo?

Marie Kondo is a Japanese organizing consultant, who realized that keeping our living spaces clean and tidy will bring peace in our lives while she was still very young. She hosted many trainings about organizing. Finally, she wrote the book “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” and set the world alight. She published her second book “Spark Joy” and shared the secret of finding peace at your own home. She named her organizing method the “KonMari Method”. 

Start by Categorizing your Stuff

First, you need to start categorizing your stuff. But you need to categorize them based on their functions and intended uses, not based on the space. For example, you should categorize your winter clothes and summer clothes together, under the “clothes” category. You need to bring your stuff under the same category together. You can prepare a list and go one-by-one to speed up the categorizing step.

We suggest starting with your clothes, because our clothes create most of the clutter in our daily lives.

Pay Attention to your Stuff and your Heart

According to the KonMari Method, you need to physically be close to your stuff and only then decide if you can throw them out or not because we form emotional bonds with our stuff and like to keep them with us, even though we do not use them anymore. Marie Kondo’s method help us get rid of those bonds.

For example, you have an old sweater you haven’t worn for a long time. Hold that sweater and ask yourself if you really want it or not. If the sweater makes you feel bad, you can put it aside to throw away or give away. 

Folding and Placing Method

Marie Kondo has a specific Folding and Placing Method. Accordingly, you need to fold your clothes and place them in drawers horizontally. This way, you can see all of your clothes in a single glance. Another tip is to separate them based on their thickness and then color-coding them. You need to consider horizontal folding for your underwear and socks. I suppose most of us complain about a messy sock drawer. Horizontal folding will help you avoid that mess.

You can also use horizontal folding for home textile products. Your towels, sheets, bedlinen, etc. will be so tidy and neat with this method.

End the Mess in your Kitchen!

Marie Kondo says that if we want a tidy and fresh kitchen, we need to have as minimum stuff as possible on our counters. So, we need to remove the jars and other unnecessary stuff from our kitchen counters. First, remove the unused jars, containers, etc. from your kitchen. Then you need to be systematic about the empty spaces in your cabinets. A cabinet must be for glasses and another must be for plates. Then you can use the empty spaces to put away unnecessary stuff on your counters. 

She even has a show on Netflix!

Marie Kondo did not limit herself to books, she also carried her method to our screens. Her Netflix show “Tidying up with Marie Kondo” is very well known. In the show, Marie Kondo visits the houses of people who have problems with tidying up and helps them rearrange their stuff using her method. We are sure you will love the show.  

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