Culture & Travel

3 February 2022

King's Cross-Country Railway Station, London

It's probably one of the first places Harry Potter fans can think of. The fact that there is still a station actively running will also affect you more when you visit. On the one hand, people who go home or to work from here in real life, on the other hand, Harry going through the walls in the film and embarking on a Hogwarts adventure... It's really exciting, isn't it?

There's also a suspension bridge inside the station. On this bridge in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Hagrid gave Harry his train ticket, saying, "Keep your ticket, Harry, it's very important." Harry was wondering how he was going to get to platform . When you remember this scene, it will be very valuable for you to cross that bridge. The bridge is now covered with glass barriers, but he was covered with metal barriers in the movie. That's the only difference with what's in the movie, it's not going to affect you too much when you're on the bridge.

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There is a shop at the station where you can shop and a platform where you can take photos. At "The Harry Potter Shop At Platform ," you can buy yourself movie-related gifts, hold onto a car with Harry's suitcases and white owl Hedwig on it and take pictures.

Warner Bros. Studios, London

Get ready to be captivated once you've bought your ticket here and entered it. Because this is a place every Potterhead will admire when they see it. It includes the Hogwarts Grand Hall door, Professor Snape's dungeon classroom, Hogwarts dormitories, the Hogwarts Express, the film set's equipment, costumes, souvenirs and cream beer. You should definitely stop by this studio, where Harry Potter fans are ecstatic.

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Universal Studios & Resorts' Universal Studios - Diagon Alley, Japan

Diagon Road is entered through a secret passageway in the Crack boiler bar with a hidden touch or flight dust. No Muggle in here. Magicians and witches come here to do school and stationery shopping. Harry used to come here every year to shop. He even got his first wand from the Ollivander Shop on this road.  You can also come to this theme park and visit the shops on Diagon Road, and especially the Weasley Wizard Joke Shop.

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Privet Drive 4, London

Privet Drive, home to Harry Potter's evil relatives, the Dursleys, is located in Little Whinging, just outside London.  Harry lived in the room under the stairs of this house with his brother-in-law Vernon Dursley, aunt Petunia Dursley and cousin Dudley Dursley until he was 11. It will be very enjoyable for you to visit this house, where the Harry Potter adventure began.

The Elephant House, Scotland

The Elephant House, a cute café in Edinburgh, is the birthplace of the Harry Potter books. This is where J.K. Rowling spent the most time,when living in Scotland and started writing her books. Rowling was even in financial difficulty at the time, so when she sat down at the café, she drank her coffee too slowly so she wouldn't run out of coffee. He created the Harry Potter series that we read and watched while sipping his coffee. You can go to this meaningful café and have a coffee.

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Dobby's Tomb, Wales

Heirlooms of Death: In Chapter 1, Dobby sacrificed himself for Harry and was killed by a dagger thrown by Bellatrix. Harry buried him by digging a grave for his loyal friend Dobby. The headstone said, "Dobby lies here, free house genie." This headstone was found on freshwater west coast in Pembrokeshire. But recently this headstone was stolen. Harry Potter fans are replacing the stolen headstone with pebbles with the caption "Here lies Dobby a free elf." If you want to remember Dobby, you can go to this coast.

St. Pancras Railway Station, London

We saw the station next to King's Cross in The Chamber of Secrets. When the Weasley family arrived at King's Cross, they parked the famous flying car Ford Angelia in front of St. Pancras. Then Harry and Ron missed the train and took off with the car. St Pancras, one of London's most magnificent buildings, will fascinate you with its architecture as well as recreate the scene in the film.

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Gringotts Wizarding Bank – House of Australia, London

The building, which was used as Gringotts in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, is now used for consular and other official business. So if you don't have an invisibility cloak like Harry, you're unlikely to get in. But when you look inside from outside the building, you can see gringotts' chandeliers and the hall's patterned parquets. Even being able to look outside the dwarves' lounge in the film will be quite exciting for a keen Harry Potter fan.

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The Leaky Cauldron’s Entrance Gate, London

There's an optician in Leaky Cauldron, a shop on Charing Cross Road. According to J.K. Rowling, this is a brewery built in the 1500s. Now there are modern and ancient bookstores here. In the film, Hagrid and Harry walk down this street past the restaurant's window 44 and 45, now known as "The Good Yard," to the entrance to The  Leaky Cauldron. Can you remember this scene? Even if you walk through this door into an optician, you can be happy to imagine that you have entered The Leaky Cauldron.

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Ministry of Magic Entrance (Telephone Booth), London

Deathly Hallows: There was a telephone booth in this rotation used in Chapter 1 and Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. In the film, the ministry of magic was switched to the telephone booth by pressing the keys 62442. These numbers dialed on the phone correspond to the letters MAGIC. This is one of harry potter's secret details. The phone booth is not there today, it was just a décor placed there for use in the film. However, when you get here, you can see the bridge at the back and pass by the wall where the phone booth is. 


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