Culture & Travel
13 June 2021Güncelleme Tarihi: 13 August 2022
England, one of the United Kingdom countries, is one of the important financial centers of Europe. Especially the tourism sector has a great contribution to this. Places such as Bath, Briston, Cambridge, Liverpool, London, Manchester, Newcastle, Oxford are among the regions most visited by tourists. England is a beautiful country where you can feel the historical texture of the country and where you can engage in plenty of activities with its advanced features. For example, there are multiple museums that you can visit in many parts of the country. One of them is the Fitzwilliam Museum. If you are curious, let's get to know this museum, which is also the subject of our article.
Fitzwilliam Street and square, one of the famous venues in England, took its name from the 7th Viscount Richard Fitzwilliam. The square was designed by Fitzwilliam in 1789. Fitzwilliam Street greets visitors with the Fitzwilliam Museum, historic English buildings and a botanical park. The square is the center of attention especially on St. Patrick's days. 1920 Bloody Sunday is one of the worst events in history for the square.
Affiliated with Cambridge University, the Fitzwilliam Museum is an art and antiques museum located on its name partner Fitzwilliam street. The museum, which is free of charge, receives approximately 300 thousand visitors annually. In this context, it has the distinction of being one of the most famous art centers in London. The history of the museum, one of the symbolic structures of London, dates back to 1816. The founder and father of the museum is 7th Viscount Richard Fitzwilliam. Standing for over 200 years, the Fitzwilliam Museum houses one of Western Europe's most remarkable collections of modern art and antiques. The museum collection includes over half a million works of art and objects. In the museum, where world history and art are exhibited from ancient times to the present, there are works of very important names. Monet, Picasso, Rubens, Vincent van Gogh, Canaletto and Rembrandt are some of the famous names whose works are in the museum. Home to one of the UK's largest collections, the museum is a partner of the Cambridge University Museums consortium, one of the UK Arts Council's funded services to develop the museum sector.
The Fitzwilliam Museum has 5 sections: Antiquities; Applied Arts; Coins and Medals; Rare Manuscripts and Printed Books; and Pictures, Drawings and Prints. In these sections, works reflecting the art of ancient Egypt, Rome, Greece; British and European furniture, pottery, clock etc. things; There are rugs and derivative works belonging to the Far East, including Japanese, Korean and Chinese art, as well as manuscripts, rare printed books and paintings by world-famous artists. Music enthusiasts can explore the unique collection of manuscript music from the 16th century to the present day, belonging to famous composers of the time such as Thomas Tallis, William Byrd and Orlando Gibbons.
Fitzwilliam Museum is the right address for painting lovers with its enormous collection. It is possible to see the works of famous artists such as Picasso, Monet, Rubens, Degans, Vincent van Gogh, Renoir and many more in the Fitzwilliam Museum, one of the pearls of London. Artifacts belonging to the British school are exhibited in the museum. On the other hand, works of the French, Italian, German, Dutch and American schools are also on display.
From time to time, unfortunate events have also passed through the beginning of the museum, which will be witnessed to the fullest of art and history. These include the theft of 18 Chinese jade stones on April 13, 2012. There are also historical artifact vases that are broken from time to time in the museum. Fortunately, these historical artifacts were restored with the sensitive work of restoration experts without losing their original texture.
Fitzwilliam Street and Fitzwilliam Museum, the works of the 7th Viscount Richard Fitzwilliam, welcome a large number of visitors every year and provide them with a pleasant time. If you are a London traveler and a travel lover, do not forget to see these historical beauties.