The explicit consent text has been prepeared for to prove that is by the data owner whether he / she consented to the processing of his / her personal data within the scope of the matters explained in detail in the Clarification Text, which is consisting of six items and prepared in accordance with the Turkish Personal Data Protection Law No.6698 and the General Data Protection Regulation.Please click to view our clarification text.
1.Identification (It is the name and surname information that you provide in case if you want to communicate with us and convey your requests and complaints.)
In order for the data owner to share their requests, requests and complaints with us and to take the necessary steps regarding the complaints
2. Communication (It is the e-mail adress information that you provide in case if you want to communicate with us and convey your requests and complaints)
In order for the data owner to share their requests, requests and complaints with us and to take the necessary steps regarding the complaints